Kinoptik 5.7mm T2 ultra wide retro focus lens


Kinoptik 5.7mm T2 Ultra Wide Retro Lens

PL Mount
Daily Rate: £40 +VAT

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Kinoptik 5.7mm T2 Ultra Wide Retro Lens

PL Mount
Daily Rate: £40 +VAT

Kinoptik 5.7mm T2 Ultra Wide Retro Lens

PL Mount
Daily Rate: £40 +VAT

  • You can have great fun running around with this lens! Roger Deakins used the 35mm version (9.8mm) to great effect in the film ‘Jarhead’. They’ve made both a 16mm and 35mm version of this, which was a favourite of Stanley Kubrick. Sadly we only have the 16mm version but I’m working on it!

    It’s a rectilinear lens meaning despite being very wide angle, lines at the edges of the frame still appear to be straight. A PL mount lens, it is focused from 1ft to infinity (there is no focus ring).

    You can get fantastic results with this lens on the black magic pocket camera with an adapter, the F5 in cropped sensor mode, the FS7 in cropped sensor mode with an adapter and of course the Aaton XTR Prod.

Canon 11-165mm PL Mount
28mm-16mm Spigot adaptor
16mm Threaded Brass Spigot
DJI Ronin 4D
Aaton XTR Prod