800W Lowel Tota Soft with Umbrella


Standard kit includes:

Tungsten open faced Lowel Tota light
Commonly used with a white umbrella (included) to create a soft light

Daily rate: £15 +VAT

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Standard kit includes:

Tungsten open faced Lowel Tota light
Commonly used with a white umbrella (included) to create a soft light

Daily rate: £15 +VAT

Standard kit includes:

Tungsten open faced Lowel Tota light
Commonly used with a white umbrella (included) to create a soft light

Daily rate: £15 +VAT

  • This light’s been around for years and you can still buy them. The reason is that no one has ever made a similar smaller light and if you combine it with an umbrella you have a really nice round soft light that’s really small when it’s collapsed. They make a nice key light for an interview although they’re not massively powerful and won’t compete against bright daylight.

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